Does Your Diet Affect Beard Growth?


Can your diet improve your beard growth?

The short answer is yes.

But what foods should you be eating and why?

Are there any foods to avoid?

In today’s post we take a look at how your diet can play a part in growing a full, healthy beard.

Why Diet Is Important

Your testosterone levels play an important role in growing your beard.

Adding some lean proteins, iron, zinc and vitamins to your diet may increase your testosterone levels, and thereby lead to a fuller and healthier beard.

Conversely, there are some foods that have the oppositve effect and can inhibit your testerone production.

7 Foods That Improve Your Beard Growth:

- Chicken (protein)

- Eggs (protein)

- Red meat (high in iron)

- Nuts (high in zinc)

- Avocado (healthy fats)

- Whole Grains (wheat, oats, brown rice etc.)

- Fruits and vegetables (vitamins A through E)

3 Foods To Avoid:

- Sugar

- White bread

- Pastries

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