Does Your Beard Filter UV Rays?

So you’ve grown out your beard for that extra winter warmth.

Footy finals are nearly here, which means the warmer weather is on the way.

You may have been thinking about getting rid of it for summer, but wait!

Read on to discover some benefits you keeping it through the warmer months may not be aware of….

Reduced Risk Of Skin Cancer

An Australian study found that your beard filters UV rays.

They measured the amount of UV radiation that passes through facial hair and found that beards filtered between 90 and 95% of UV rays.

Of course, this doesn’t exempt you from needing to apply your 50+ to other areas, but it’s good news for the skin under your beard.

Prevents Premature Aging Of Skin

This natural protection also helps slow down the skin’s again process.

The same study found the presence of facial hair and sebaceous glands help thicken the skin and make it more resistant.

Natural Barrier Against Pollen

Your beard is also a filter for pollen, dust and other airborne particles that may irritate your skin.

Wait! There’s A Catch…

The benefits listed above, according to the study, are only experienced when the beard is properly maintained.

It must be washed and groomed regularly or it can become an unruly nest of germs.

But you already knew that…

"If you want your beard to shine naturally, I recommend Legendary Aussie products." - Peter, QLD


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  • Legendary Aussie Gold + Accessories Bundle

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